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Syracuse Community Fridge battles food insecurity with free options
Lis Webber founded Syracuse Community Fridge to combat food insecurity in the city. It's set to open its doors at All Saints Church in March. Read more »

Personal Essay: Step out of the SU campus bubble to see the real world
Any student can do the same — it requires removing yourself from campus culture mentally, not only physically. Now, to get past the alienation I feel here from the rest of the world, I know I can simply step off the hill. Read more »

‘The Earth Laughs in Flowers’ exhibit brings Emerson poem to life
“The Earth Laughs in Flowers,” a Syracuse University Art Museum exhibit, encourages viewers to reflect on their connection with plants and the Earth. Read more »
Why are these prejudging liars getting so much press? Notice the sign “Hands up, don’t shoot!”…it never happened. The facts don’t show that cops (target and) shoot blacks…more proportionally than white assailants. Not to mention this nasty group stereotypes cops, blocks traffic, destroys property, and advocates violence. Thanks DO for being a vehicle to propagate this!
#blm memes inspiring the assassination of eight cops this month rather lessens the appeal of #blm memes, and for good reason.
Some city in Kansas held a barbecue with local #blm organizers. The two groups even danced together and that video went viral. #blm in DC, sent an email telling the locals that they violated #blm principles, (which are to hate on local police).
And thousands more know they (BLM) prejudge, spin, lie, are hypocritical, and advocate violence.